Thysanoptera of Japan


Bolacothrips yasuakii Masumoto & Okajima, 2003


本種はこれまで9~10月頃に関東~東北地方のススキやヨシから得られている。東南アジアに広く分布し、日本では沖縄に分布するB. striatopennatusは本種に似るが、しばしば短翅型となり、オスは短翅型であるのに対し、本種はすべて長翅型である。本属はThrips genus-groupに含まれるが、触角第3、4節の感覚錐が棒状であることで識別される。また、本属はすべてイネ科を寄主植物とする。

This species has hitherto been collected from Miscanthus sinensis and Phragmites communis of Kanto- and Tohoku-areas in Honshu, Japan, in September and October. B. striatopennatus, which is widely distributed in the Southeast Asia and Okinawa, is similar to this species. However, in B. striatopennatus female is often micropterous and male is always micropterous but both sexes of this species are always macropterous. The genus Bolacothrips is a member of Thrips genus-group but it can be distinguished from the other members by antennal segments III and IV with simple sense-cones. This genus is feeds on Poaceae

  • Female


    Female head and thorax

